Helen Schell, Spectrum Symposium

Helen Schell working on Big Red Rocket for her forthcoming exhibition at Vane, ‘The Human Spaceship’.

Helen Schell working on Big Red Rocket for her forthcoming exhibition at Vane, ‘The Human Spaceship’.

Tuesday 16 October 2018, 1-6pm

‘Spectrum’ is a half-day symposium bringing together scientists, artists, and students to examine the future of human space exploration and long-term space living.

The symposium will start with Helen Schell leading a tour of her exhibition, ‘The Human Spaceship’. Scientists from Durham, Cambridge and Northumbria universities will envision and discuss, within the context of their specialist fields, what the future holds within our space-faring society.

Presentations will include:

Our place in the Universe
 Dr Pete Edwards (Durham University)
Launching into space by balloon and making maps above the Earth’s atmosphereProf Richard Massey (Durham University)
Light and solar spectrum Dr Helen Mason (University of Cambridge)
The human body in space Prof Nick Caplan (Northumbria University)
Vision and colour in space Prof John Girkin (Durham University)
Scottish Space Enlightenment Dr Matjaz Vidmar (Edinburgh University and the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh)
2019 – Year of Space at Centre for Life and beyond Dr Andy Lloyd (Head of Special Projects, Centre for Life, Newcastle)

Presented in conjunction with Schell’s exhibition, ‘The Human Spaceship’, as part of the United Nations World Space Week, the theme of which is ‘Space Unites the World’ in 2018.

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